Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Little Bottles Blue

Little Bottles Blue, June 2011
12"x12" Oil on Canvas
As I've said, I took a bit of a break to work on my blog and my DPW presence.  I painted this one evening in June with the sun setting through my window and shining just right on three bottles from my own kitchen.  As often happens in my paintings, the end is only a glimmer of the beginning.  Originally this was three clear bottles with a blue background and white table cloth, but I was drawn back to the blue on my pallet again and again.  As you can see, Blue insisted on being involved in every aspect of this canvas. The especially ethereal feeling of this particular painting is not something I've expressed before.I was so transported by the calm during the process that when I stepped back to gain perspective I was surprised (and a little disappointed) to hear my artist's voice telling me to clean my brushes.

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