Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Ellie, May 2011
16" x 20" Oil on Canvas
In May, I painted a rose I received at church on Mother's Day.  When I was finished, I wiped my canvas clean and took a break.  I had just decided not to paint anything, when my husband suggest I paint one of my elephants. (I have a small collection of elephant figures around my house.)  I chose one my grandmother gave me and started working.  This will hang in Talula's room for now, but I thought it worth sharing.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This One Was Just Right

This One Was Just Right, April 2011
12" x 16" Oil on Canvas
I love perspective painting.  It adds a level of depth that is hard to capture in other forms of still life.  As an artist, I want you to feel there is something just around that corner and since this is an actual place, there is.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Three Little Pears

Three Little Pears, March 2011
 10" x 10" Oil on Canvas
While yard saleing (a great place to find still life subjects) in March with my mother,  I happened across this vase and knew it would make it into a painting.  It was my first attempt at painting glass.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Little Bottles Blue

Little Bottles Blue, June 2011
12"x12" Oil on Canvas
As I've said, I took a bit of a break to work on my blog and my DPW presence.  I painted this one evening in June with the sun setting through my window and shining just right on three bottles from my own kitchen.  As often happens in my paintings, the end is only a glimmer of the beginning.  Originally this was three clear bottles with a blue background and white table cloth, but I was drawn back to the blue on my pallet again and again.  As you can see, Blue insisted on being involved in every aspect of this canvas. The especially ethereal feeling of this particular painting is not something I've expressed before.I was so transported by the calm during the process that when I stepped back to gain perspective I was surprised (and a little disappointed) to hear my artist's voice telling me to clean my brushes.


Hello!  I've taken a bit of a break from painting to work on getting my blog up and running and getting my profile set up on Daily Paintworks (DPW).  Daily Paintworks is an excellent collection of artists and their original art.  I'm excited to be among those artists and will be selling some of my paintings through DPW's Original Fine Art Auctions. I will generally leave a painting up for about a week on both my blog and DPW before sending it to auction.  The exception is Little Bottles Blue, which has been on DPW since last week and will go to auction either later tonight or tomorrow.  So if you are interested in one of my pieces,  want to buy directly, or have a question about a work, send me an email. Thank you for visiting.  I look forward to sharing my art with you.